Releasedate: May 2009; Label: Pulverised Records By: Sabine van Gameren Santification is a Swedish death…
Releasedate: 01-06-2009; Label: Bloody Chamber Music By: Lara Cappelli Patrick Wolf is a dynamic English…
Releasedate: 09-06-2009; Label: Matador Records By: Sabine van Gameren Sonic Youth is an American rock…
Releasedate: 19-05-2009; Label: Metropolis Records / 61seconds By: Nina Mende IAMX is the solo musical…
Releasedate: 27-07-2009; Label: Nuclear Blast By: Sabine van Gameren Swashbuckle is a pirate themed metal…
Releasedate: 24-04-2009; Label: Renaissance By: Lara Cappelli Shania Twain is a Canadian country pop singer….
Releasedate: 10-06-2009; Label: My Kingdom Music By: Sabine van Gameren This project of Marco Kehren,…
Releasedate: 04-06-2009 By: Sabine van Gameren The Italian band Radiance released their demo “…And The…