20 September 2024

Patrick Wolf – The Bachelor

Releasedate: 01-06-2009; Label: Bloody Chamber Music
By: Lara Cappelli

Patrick Wolf is a dynamic English artist, his music goes from techno pop to classical and folk. His first release was in 2003 with the album “Lycanthropy” and now, after having left Universal Records, he now has his own label Bloody Chamber Music. For the making of this album Patrick asked his fans to help him in financing it: “It’s like side-stepping piracy in a way, because people help to finish the album financially, and they get a real copy of it rather than downloading half of it off Limewire” stated Patrick.

This is the typical album composed and performed by heart. I think that Patrick Wolf has put everything of his own in it and this is what makes every track extremely intense. I have to admit that when I first heard the single “Vulture” I was quite sceptical about the upcoming album, since this song is much more electronic than usual Patrick’ s sound and I thought he had lost his “special touch”. But I was totally wrong, “Vulture” is the most electronic song of the album, and all in all fits quite well in it. The rest of the album is a blend of electronic music and orchestral parts with a gospel choir as well. You can get the feeling of the songs through Patrick’s young voice, even without reading the lyrics that treat about his personal life, world’s matters and pursuit of freedom. All the songs are extremely personal to Patrick, actress Tilda Swinton’s voice can be heard for the speaking parts of “Oblivion”, “Thickets” and “Thesus” in which she plays the part of Patrick’s mum. This is actually a “family album” since the whole Patrick’s family took part in it: his mom as spoons player, dad as bass clarinettist and sister as backing vocalist. And this familiar and personal atmosphere is to be found in every song, each one with its own variety and expressive power.

2.Hard Times
4.The Bachelor
7.Count The Casualty
8.Who Will?
11.The Sun Is Often Out
14.The Messenger

Patrick Wolf MySpace
Patrick Wolf Official