20 September 2024

Santification – Black Reign

Releasedate: May 2009; Label: Pulverised Records
By: Sabine van Gameren

Santification is a Swedish death metal formation which formed in 2001. The band released their debut full length in 2003 and now, six years later the second full length called: “Black Reign” sees light.

The band makes an interesting statement on the cover. A flag with the stereotype anti-Christ sign is used, placed in a nowhere land. Santification claims it. Apparently, the band claims their right of existence in the music world with this album. Kind of arrogant attitude as the music will have to prove this first. What to find out about this band is that all members have a quite a line of names behind their name. Former bands, other projects you name it. Maybe the band does have the right to claim a position.
Santification might be from Sweden, but their sound is a step away from the typical Swedish approach, embracing the American style. As the promosheet says: “broke away from the cliché”. Well, whether it is this cliché or the other seems totally irrelevant.
The break the silence with an enormous drum package. Beats like life itself chases them. Guitars are raging and surely a pro to their sound. Instrumental the band is at its top, but vocals are overshadowed by the instruments every now and then. Which is maybe not exactly what you would expect.

For sure this album brings you in movement. Santification must just be careful that they do not over promote it as an all star project, as the music will do the work as well. They don’t need the names of Peter Tägtgren, and all the other projects of the other bands all over them to get their music to the scene. And wondering whether they succeeded in claiming what they want? Well, partly. But the start is made

1. Thirst For Blood
2. Black Reign
3. Raw
4. Eternal
5. Hear This
6. Dead Forever
7. Flesh, Bone And Skin
8. Trucido Christianese
9. Storm

Sanctification MySpace