22 January 2025

9MM – Dem Teufel ein Gebet

Releasedate: 21-10-2011; Label: Napalm Records
By: Milla Smile

“9 MM” is the german band that was founded several years ago. The band received good responses from rock audience and media in their motherland. The guys who describe themselves as 600 kilos in the total weight were supporting bunch of fabulous heavy-metal legends such as Slayer, Mötorhead, Girlschool, U.D.O., Doro, etc.

It’s not necessary to explain which kind of bands were inspiring “9MM”. Just listen to the “Teufel ein Gebet” album. There are raw riffs of punk, powerful strings of hard’n’heavy and wide notes of classy rock’n’roll. The excellent track for partying hard “Amigos para siempre” (that my poor español recognized as “friends forever”) with beer, sweat and good memories. A few songs about angst, rage with lyrics singing in german add to the sound loads of angry spices. The best proof is “Sympoinie des Zorns” track. Speeding riffs in the “Evil Knievel” make illusion of bike’s gears’ whirr. And for sure the most rock’n’roll part is “Party Rock n Bier”. If you are owner of impressive beer-belly or on the way to look like that you can sweat to the bones listening to the tracks and dancing and whatever you can do during the killer sound hits you to the guts.

1. Wenn Träume fliegen
2. Sympoinie des Zorns
3. Der letzte Engel
4. Kain vs. Abel
5. 9/ARR
6. Dein Wille ist Gesetz
7. Feigheit
8. Party Rock n Bier
9. Evil Knievel
10. Sommer
11. Amigos para siempre
12. Stoertebeker

9mm Official