4 May 2024

Hierophant – Hierophant

Releasedate: 11-04-2011; Label: Demons Run Amok Entertainment
By: Sabine van Gameren

Hierophant is an Italian Black Metal formation. They have the underground all over them as there are several bands with the same name, but to find the Italian Metal band is more of a challenge.

After all the band is all about chaos and disorder anyway. There is hard core in here, there is some industrial elements, but nothing beats the Black basis that gives them the dark and cold atmosphere. Think Darkthrone, Neurosis and you get closer to the point. What seems to be with them is the hunting, the chasing after you, it feels like you are running and running through the dark, moonless night in a forest and the while the band is only going faster you get smacked in your face by thin sharp riffs and strategic placed surprised in the music. The band does take you on a slower speed as well, but the album is quite balanced so it doesn’t feel like they take you by the hand through it. Must say that the album impresses with the versatility and the way they bring the atmosphere. The really make it feel alive and the artwork may only support you with that sober feeling. It is not about showing off the skills it is about bringing the passion of the music here and that is where Hierophant succeeds.

01. Hermetic Sermon part 1
02. I am I, You, Nobody
03. As Kalki
04. Mother Tiamat
05. Hermetic Sermon part 2
06. Lambgoat
07. We Know Love
08. Abissus Abissum Invocat
09. 1000 Winters
10. Hermetic Sermon part 3

Hierophant MySpace