23 September 2024

NIBIRU – Salbrox

Label: Ritual Productions
Releasedate: 10-05-2019

Nibiru, band from Turin, Italy, releases Salbrox Album on the 10th of May. It’s their fifth album. This release occurs almost one year after the re-issue of their second album Netrayoni. At the time, I was positively impressed with the band doom and sludge sound. This time, not so much.

I tried to start and listen to this album 5 times. Really. This was hurtful. ENHB, a dronish song of 15 minutes is really too much to start an album and every time I would start, I got distracted and found myself going away from my music source. It ends with the lead singer growling the word “silencio”. Which means silence. That was what I was wishing for. Silence. Might be that starting with this on Monday morning is not the best idea, but really didn’t sit well. I’m ok with long songs, but they need to have rhythm variations and power. This song was clearly lacking something to hold to. The next track, EXARP, is the continuation but at least has some drum effort.

Continuing on this trip, we get to HCOMA and some energy is felt finally. NANTA is next and I like it a bit more due to the pace that we manage to get. ABALPT with sayings in another language that I don’t understand. Don’t know if we are supposed to get anything from here besides the try of atmospheric vibe. But uhh, a piano! BITOM is that part now that they try to impress the audience with a piano. 4 minutes of emotionally charged key tones to pass towards RZIORN. This is the track that saves the album! But it’s the last track. Another very long track that if it could be extended would make this album perfect.

Maybe it wasn’t the right album to hear at this moment. Maybe some of our readers will like it from beginning till the end. I think this was hit and miss and there could have been a better effort. Again, the last track should be the whole structure for the album. Extend that track a bit more, and you have an album on it’s own right, with a proper structure, rhythm, melody, and even proper vocals and lyrics.

Line up:

  • RI Salma – Bass, Synths
  • Ardat – Guitars, Vocals
  • L.C. Chertan – Drums


  1. ENHB
  2. EXARP
  3. HCOMA
  4. NANTA
  6. BITOM

