5 October 2024

29-06-2024 Tuska

Location: Suvilahti, Helsinki (Finland)


The second day of Tuska we would start a bit earlier, giving us a bit more time to see bands today. The first act of the day is Ankor. This formation is coming from Spain and makes Rock music, but has a background towards heavy/power. The band has been around since 2003 and they mainly seem to focus on releasing singles, of which they have countless. A different approach, more targeted to a pop market perhaps and with the catchiness in their tracks we think they are certainly suiting in there. They are energetic here at Tuska, ask for the audience to join them in jumping and have a good time while also expressing their gratitude for people coming out early to see them. They seem to fall well with a young audience and have played a good set here today. A good way to open your Tuska with something cheerful.

My Misery

Up next we took some time to head out to the clubstage where the band My Misery would play. A young band, being around for a few years only but one that had some success in band competitions.
The guys mix a variety of genres to come to a sound that is fairly aggressive but not lacking melody. A modern sound that have already gathered them a following as the venue was reasonably filled. We liked the way they were bringing the sound, but sometimes expect a bit more energy in performance for them to have to whole come across as it is. But surely one to keep your eyes on.


The Swedish/Danish formation Vola is back at Tuska and this time they are occupying the mainstage. Their Prog infused sound has won the hearts from many the previous time we saw them so no wonder many onlookers came to check it out here. The band is collecting pre-orders for their album “Friend Of A Phantom” which will be released in November this year, so they were on a mission to tease us a little bit for this album. Furthermore they were heavily leaning on their succesfull “Witness” album to give their audience a view on what they are about. If all will be in line with that the new one will be received quite well we can imagine.


A banger a day keeps the doctor away… it was spelled on their backdrop. Solence from Sweden even opened their set with the song matching that text. But what we could not know is that they would take it all so literally when their vocalist made big bang, crashing onto one of the raising platforms on stage. That surely must have been felt significantly. We hope it in fact, did keep the doctor away. In any case, besides some remarks, they went on on full energy after that so the show was not stopped at all. Alternative Metal with a super catchy vibe to it. In good match with Ankor we would say, matching their energy closely. Now, the guys are giving their all and while the songs are leaning heavily towards the melodic side the guys have no problems engaging the entire field here today. We won’t forget this show easily we can say.


Sulfuris was ready to play at the clubstage by now. They make a rather heavy sound, having a Melodic Death feel to it. Now we were not able to stick around for the full set but we liked what we were seeing. The guys have a good balance in their sound, having the guitars quite upfront and in your face but not pushing away the rest too much.


Tarot is back. Back at Tuska and ready to bring some Heavy sounds to us. It would not be Tuska without Marko Hietala somewhere we would say. Last year the guys did a re-union show and although it was planned to be one, or at least… communicated such as… there are some festival performances scheduled of which this Tuska one. Eight full length albums on their name, the last one at 2011, so we were wondering what their set would bring. The guys took a wide range of songs from their oldest albums towards the newer releases, which are now of course not that recent anymore but widely known by the fans. “Crows Fly Back” and well as “Lady Deceiver” were entertaining the audience most and it was a joy to see them all playing the tracks again. Hopefully they enjoyed it enough for some more of that, Tarot is always a welcome guest.

Kaunis Kuolemanton

Kaunis Kuolematon has been growing significantly in the past years. Last year they released their fourth album “Mielenvalta” and for those who do not know them we can give a short intro. The band Melodic Doom/Death and has some members of other known bands in the genre onboard, say most of Sinamore. Today here in the Tuska tent, which is overflowing quite a bit, the band quickly impresses us. They have well-thought songs, where they always find the right moment to switch a mood or atmosphere, to go heavier or more melodic, which makes that the tracks listen easily. Very impressive are the vocals of Mikko Heikkilä which many may known from acts like Dawn of Solace, Black Sun Aeon and Red Moon Architect. The way he changes his style in a second is remarkable and a true add to each song. It also combines so perfectly with Olli Saakeli Suvanto’s his voice. Safe to say that this was one of the crowd favorites here today. And also ours.


Towards the end of their set we were able to catch up briefly with Malformed, which is bringing us some Death Metal. The band has not released a full length studio album, nor do we have info on them preparing something, but from their performance we get the impression this is a band you will preferably enjoy to see life. The guys put stress on all words and take no mercy in bringing in some vehemence and this is right as we like it. Nice to have seen a bit of that.


Time to go into a different direction again. It is HEALTH that performs in the tent stage that will ensure us that. A bit more electronic sound, a depressive touch to it and with their latest album “Rat Wars” on hands they had a lot to entertain us with. The guys being hyped up a bit by media resulted in our curiosity being caught and we must say we are not too conclusive of this formation. We liked their darkness, the words brought with misanthropic feel and weight combined with some dance able electronic sounds. Something that set a great deal of their audience into movement. What we liked less is that it was hard to feel the connection with it all. It did not come near us in the way we have seen bands like this do this before. Judging by the response of the audience this seems to be a “50/50 band”, meaning you either like them a lot, or you can not find too much into them.


We lost count on how often we saw Amorphis at Tuska and in all honesty, they are always a welcome guest as with these guys you know you will get a good show. After the release of “Halo” they came with a live album and this month another live release will see light. In case you missed them here at Tuska, there is something to enjoy in the comfort of your own home. The guys have been busy with some solo-projects in the meantime so it is nice to see them here on stage again. With many of their most favorited tracks on the setlist it was a great joy for the fans to see them here at Tuska, will we say they were the most surprising act? No of course not. Amorphis always conforms though, so a no-brainer here today.


Going a bit slower and more Progressive, Riverside was awaiting us. The Polish formation has been around since 2001 and has a strong reputation for their intensive live shows. And when we say intensive, we not mean energetic perse. But the way these guys bring their songs is always unique. And so they did here today. They are not the wildest act to look at, but the guys put a lot of passion in their playing which is much appreciated. The subtle details they put into their sound are often to be captured by the most dedicated listeners and thus they manage to keep the attention from their audience throughout. But what speaks much for Riverside is the ease they make their music flow. Even if you are not a hardcore Prog fan this band still listens easily and that speaks for them!The guys released their album “ID.Entity” last year and this album was featured well here tonight. For the fans of progressive this band was surely a highlight of the day.

Putro In Black

We walked in at the end of Putro In Black’s set and although we only saw a couple of songs, this place was so immensely packed that we just have to mention it. A singer songwriter, singing in Finnish bringing some songs that have a lot of rhymes in there. A lot of people sing the words along and at the very end the man comes into the audience, stand on a chair and perform a track being surrounded by his loving fans. A remarkable moment.

The Abbey

In our readers poll we saw something strange happening. Headliner Bring Me The Horizon was clashing with The Abbey and 83% !!!! of the readers voted for us to go see the Abbey. So, easy choice for us then, regardless of it feeling a bit against nature to skip on a headliner. Now, for full disclosure, they also had a restrictive contract for photographers which we do not support. But that only came to our notice the day before while our schedule and our poll was already made the week before. The Abbey then. Now the band is full of members we know from previous acts. Vesa of Sentenced, Natalie (Paara, Shape of Despair), Janne (Poisonblack, The Man Eating Tree) for example. And now together to release some Progressive Doom upon us. Long tracks, darkness and a dragging sound is surrounding us. Tracks that are sharp but also soothing. “Words of Sin”, their debut, got out early 2023 and it captivated us already back then, so seeing it coming with the effect was a nice affirmation. Must be said, for those who are not too deeply into the doom sound, the set of these guys was maybe a bit too long and the songs too close to each other. However, this gives on the opportunity to focus on the details.

In our readers poll we saw something strange happening. Headliner Bring Me The Horizon was clashing with The Abbey and 83% !!!! of the readers voted for us to go see the Abbey. So, easy choice for us then, regardless of it feeling a bit against nature to skip on a headliner. Now, for full disclosure, they also had a restrictive contract for photographers which we do not support. But that only came to our notice the day before while our schedule and our poll was already made the week before. The Abbey then. Now the band is full of members we know from previous acts. Vesa of Sentenced, Natalie (Paara, Shape of Despair), Janne (Poisonblack, The Man Eating Tree) for example. And now together to release some Progressive Doom upon us. Long tracks, darkness and a dragging sound is surrounding us. Tracks that are sharp but also soothing. “Words of Sin”, their debut, got out early 2023 and it captivated us already back then, so seeing it coming with the effect was a nice affirmation. Must be said, for those who are not too deeply into the doom sound, the set of these guys was maybe a bit too long and the songs too close to each other. However, this gives on the opportunity to focus on the details.


Tuska website