5 May 2024

Guano Apes – Bel Air

Releasedate: 01-04-2011; Label: Columbia SevenOne
By: Nina Mende

They say it’s easier to stay away than to come back. To go out on a high rather than risk a new low. Hence the return of any band that left the scene at the peak of their powers (and, in this case, with a second consecutive #1 gold album) is regarded with a mixture of excitement and potentially morbid fascination. Can they still walk the walk? Are they ready to come in and rock out?

And let me tell you: YES! Guano Apes can still walk and they are more than ready to come in and rock out! After almost 7 years of absence Guano Apes are back. There is no need to introduce this rock band with Sandra Nasic on the vocals. And neither does their new record. Actually “Bel Air” can speak for itself. Loud, catchy and rocking the shit out of you! Guano Apes made a murder album and now released it for the world to get addicted to it. Already the first single “Oh What A Night” is a song that gets stuck in your head for long and makes you want to play it over and over again. But the other songs on the album are just as addictive. Sandra is rocking with her strong voice, but on this album she’s also hitting the high notes more often than we are used to. And it sounds amazing. “Bel Air” is fresh and better than ever. Guano Apes definitely don’t have to worry about any struggles of their comeback. They don’t just take off right where they left, but are also a huge step ahead of where they had left several years ago. It’s good to have one of the best female fronted German rock bands back on track. So beware: Guano Apes are back and rocking even more than ever! Go get “Bel Air” before it is sold out at your local record dealer and keep an open eye for them hitting your town. “Bel Air”, most definitely one of the best releases of 2011!

01. Sunday Lover
02. Oh What A Night
03. When The Ships Arrive
04. This Time
05. She’s A Killer
06. Tiger
07. Fanman
08. All I Wanna Do
09. Fire In Your Eyes
10. Trust

Guano Apes Official