22 September 2024

Nihil Novi Sub Sole – Jupiter Temple

Releasedate: 29-01-2010; Label: My Kingdom Music
By: Sabine van Gameren

Nihil Novi Sub Sole is a project from Marco Kehren, based in The Netherlands. “Jupiter Temple” is the first full length release under this name.

In 2009 Nihil Novi Sub Sole released a promo. This promo was full of ambient music which could have been in a movie, but was not the type of music you would play randomly. On “Jupiter Temple” this concept is still there, but it is more accessible as it seems. The music is lighter, less dramatic and maybe even more ambient. Inspiration for these epic tunes were “the terror and fear men had to suffer during many wars history had to witness”, which you can clearly feel. The martial musician keeps using several samples you may not expend to soon in music and therefore stays still in line with music you would hear in games. It somehow has a classical touch to it and yet it is unique and modern.
“Jupiter Temple” is a step closer to music that you play in your daily life, but did not lost touch with what has been released before on the promo album. Definitely an album that shows how interesting music can be when it is just different from the standard.

01. Nihil Novi Sub Sole
02. Die Angeklagten
03. To Enslave & Destroy
04. Avvenimento Traumatico
05. Stigma
06. Fellonia Con Sangue
07. Walking Over Mother Disease
08. Obedience To None
09. Paralyze
10. Victoria Victis
11. Idolatry
12. Totgeborener Lebensmut

Nihil Novi Sub Sole MySpace