26 June 2024

Mammutant – Atomizer

Releasedate: 28-05-2010; Label: Massacre Records
By: Lara Cappelli

From Germany, Mammutant bring out their second full-length “Atomizer” which in musical terms, is the synthesis of their “Apocalyptic Cyberzerker Metal”.

After such an introduction, what I expected was like an extra-terrestrial sound, however it may sound. What I found in “Atomizer” was pretty different. The music itself is extremely cold and hardly leaves you any chances to go deeper inside it. It is the fruit of a double mix, due to the band’s dissatisfaction after the first one. The final outcome isn’t really satisfying either though: it is all way too repetitive, from the vocal lines, growled by Gabul, to the music in general. The worst part of it all are the drums, that barely change throughout the album making the whole sound even heavy to bear. The most subject to change part are maybe the lyrics, that deal with historical events as well as “pathetic human society” matters.

As the singer Gabul said in an interview, the aim of the band is changing the world in a way that no other musician ever did. If this album is their way to do it, they’re terribly far from even approaching that aim. I hope Mammutant will soon let the listener understand what “Apocalyptic Cyberzerker Metal” means to them, as it isn’t really clear in this album.

Line Up:
Gabul – vocals, guitar
Maschgullh – bass
Sardukh – drums
Imperion – guitar

1. Cannibals
2. Kutulu Rising
3. Season Of The Wolves
4. Atomizer
5. Take No Prisoners
6. Enter Bukatha
7. The Fall Of Ultrosstus
8. Paradise Of Flesh
9. Kamuula Karmajakk
10. Vermingod
11. Cyberincarceration
12. Brainslugs

Mammutant MySpace
Mammutant Official