22 September 2024

Lacrimosa – Schattenspiel

Releasedate: 11-05-2010; Label: HALL OF SERMON
By: Sabine van Gameren

Twenty years of Lacrimosa. The gothic band existing of Anne Nurmi and Tilo Wolf has gathered worldwide fame through the years with compositions that are as diverse as you can imagine. To celebrate their existence the band choose to release fifteen unreleased (but not unrecognizable) recordings and two new songs which have been composed specially for “Schattenspiel”.

The first four songs date back to 1990. A true fan of the band recognize some of that, though it comes in a different version. The first two being more dark romantic while the third and fourth song are more up tempo, more electro. You can find the diversity of the band, when getting some years further, first finding yet a calmer song until coming to the year of 1993 in which the band recorded “Dem Ende Entgegen”, which is more dramatic than what the band brought before. Between 1996 and 2002 there is a pause, taking it up with “Ein Hauch von Menschlichkeit” which is quite calm. In 2005 you will find the song “Mantiquor” which first winks back to the beginning of Lacrimosa, but becomes more bombastic later on. When getting toward the end, anno 2010, you find the new songs. Listening to these makes you realize that Lacrimosa have always stayed true to their sound and that they still keep up with that what made the band what they are. Classic versus modern. And the final song starts with bringing a little doubts if this is a right song to end it all with, but towards the end you know you should not have doubts at all. After twenty years of Lacrimosa, they know how to do this properly.

“Schattenspiel” is an interesting collection of what Lacrimosa have created in the past years. If you expect a Best Of album, you are wrong, you get something different. You get what Lacrimosa have kept apart for you through the years, what they found the time was not ready for it at that period. The shadows meet light, meet Lacrimosa.

01. 1990 Seele in Not (Urversion)
02. 1990 Requiem (Urversion)
03. 1990 Seelenübertritt
04. 1990 Schuld und Sühne
05. 1992 Dreht Euch
06. 1993 Dem Ende entgegen
07. 1994 Schakal (Urversion)
08. 1994 Vermächtnis der Sonne (Urversion)
09. 2002 Ein Hauch von Menschlichkeit (Late Night Remix)
10. 2003 Morgen
11. 2003 Schönheit straft jedes Gefühl
12. 2004 Ein Fest für die Verlorenen
13. 2005 Mantiquor
14. 2006 Der Verlust
15. 2007 Déjà vu
16. 2010 Sellador
17. 2010 Ohne Dich ist alles nichts

Lacrimosa MySpace
Lacrimosa Official