22 September 2024

Karma To Burn – Appalachian Incantation

Releasedate: 30-04-2010; Label: Napalm Records
By: Sabine van Gameren

Things have been quiet around the band Karma To Burn for some time, but the band now returns with a new studio album: “Appalachian Incantation”

The American Stoner rockers brought this album with their well known ingredients. Steady, but vicious, riffing and some good grooving. Even though most of the songs are instrumental, for this album the band included a couple of songs with vocals to. These bring a little bit variation in the sound which somehow is very welcome as the songs are all built from the same template as it seems.
The band seemed to have a wish to keep it all a bit basic, no extra’s are added and so this results in a plain album, that keeps the stress on the instrumentals as the basis, like they try to make a statement with it. It does not do much for the memory though. When the album gets on, the first song have totally faded away from the memory. Not helping with that is that they rather name their songs by giving them a number instead of a song title.

The music is quality wise good to listen to, mostly in the background as it never grabs enough attention to get upfront. A bit of a disappointment, for a band with such a name and fame there were higher expectations.

Line Up:
Rich Mullans – Bass
Will Mechum – Guitar
Rob Oswald – Drums

01. Fourty-Four
02. Fourty-Two
03. Fourty-One
04. Fourty-Six
05. Waiting on the Western World (feat. Daniel Davies)
06. Fourty-Three
07. Fourty-Five
08. Twenty-Four
09. Two Times (feat. John Garcia)

Karma To Burn MySpace