22 September 2024

Lair of The Minotaur – Evil Power

Releasedate: 13-04-2010; Label: The Grind-House Records
By: Sabine van Gameren

The Greek Doom /Thrash Metal band Lair of The Minotaur started in 2003. De guys are now releasing their fourth album “Evil Power”.

Even for a Thrash band, Lair of The Minotaur, choose for a very filthy, raw sound. Giving the impression it is recorded years ago. Vocals especially are raspy and noisy. Good to see that the band did not polish it all up, but remained as smutty as they are. The guitars in the album are often similar, a steady but boring base when hearing the same sort of stuff in eleven tracks all in vain of a hardcore act of your choice. On the aggressive side this band scores some points. You will believe every word they bring as it comes from deep within. It’s just a shame that the this aggressive approach overwhelms the instruments in such a way that it is not much more than a background next to vocalist. With a bit more teamwork this could have been an album that sets the tone for more acts. The determination is there, but the built up could have been done different.
“Evil Power” is one experience that maybe not immediately convinces to run to the store for more, but somehow it does do something for your curiosity to see how these guys battle in live situations.

Line Up:
Steven Rathbone – Guitar, Vocals
Chris Wozniak – Drums
Nate Olp – Bass, Backing Vocals

01. Attack the Gods
02. Let’s Kill These Motherfuckers
03. Riders of Skullhammer, We Ride the Night
04. Evil Power
05. Goatstorm
06. Hunt and Devour
07. Metal Titans
08. Blood From the Witch’s Vein
09. We Are Hades
10. Death March of the Conquerors
11. The Violent Iron Age of Man

Lair of The Minotaur MySpace
Lair of The Minotaur Official