22 September 2024

Ereb Altor – The End

Releasedate: 26-03-2010; Label: Napalm Records
By: Elvira Visser

Ereb Altor is a swedish band founded back in the year 1990 but it was not until the year 2003 when they released a demo and since then only one album. Ragnar and Mats both, are also the masterminds behinds “Isolde’s” dark sound, collaborated again on this project. Which is already their second time producing an album for Ereb Althor. Combining the doom metal foundation together with folk elements. To create the Ereb Altor sound they let the riffs, which sound elegiac, and monotonous drums come together accompanied with the haunting vocals from Ragnar. This Swedish duo existing of Crister Olsson(Mats) and Daniel Bryntse(Ragnar) present us with their new work “The End”.

On the album “The End” you can find a sort of trilogy called “The End” and this is precisely what sets this album apart. Ereb Altor really work towards a climax in these three tracks while taking the time without getting boring, if you like this kind of slow dark doom/viking metal. However when you listen to the complete album you notice that the slow and bombastic sounds is what they do each track again. Slow drum parts and gitarriffs in the same tempo which combined with melancholic melodies and background vocals which bring you the “woohoohooo” parts with reminds you that “Bathory” is Ereb Altor’s inspiration. To me personally the albums in not that convinsing, it is well produced and written album and “The End” trilogy is a great music piece but it misses that little extra.

01 The Entering_Myrding
02 Myrding
03 Our Failure
04 A new but past Day
05 Vargavinter_The End Part I
06 Balder’s Fall_The End Part II
07 The Final War_The End Part III

Ereb Altor MySpace