26 June 2024

10-04-2008 Hardcore Superstar

supports: Ammotrack; Venue: Schlachthof, Wiesbaden (Germany)
By: Nina Mende

Actually it was planned that Crashdiet will tour with them, but in the end it was Ammotrack who was touring with them. With whom? Hardcore Superstar!!! They were on tour again, this time I got to see them in Wiesbaden, and it was a blast as usual. But let me start in the beginning:

I’m not even sure if many people realized the change of support act, but in the end it doesn’t really matter anyways. Ammotrack were along now and they were nice as well. Ammotrack is a rock band from Skövde/Sweden. Since the venue was already crowded from the very minute on the doors were opened, they did not have to warm up an awkwardly tiny crowd, but warm up with a cheering crowd that loves music, beer and having a good time. A job that the four guys of Ammotrack accomplished well. Although they only played about five songs it felt like they played a whole show. A very energetic band performing with a passion that the audience could feel and appreciated by cheering and rocking along.

Now it was time for Hardcore Superstar, a Swedish band rocking inside and outside of Göteborg since late 1997. I don’t think I really need to introduce them much. It was only weird not having Silver along on the guitar, but Vic Zino who used to play with CrazyLixx but we will get used to that as well. The venue was filled and everybody was having a great time, especially as Jocke entered the stage and began to sing. A moshing and rocking began, the audience was rocking big time and later on some guys even began to crowd surf. Jocke was climbing up and hanging on the pole that was located right above his head. He even sang while hanging there. Hyperactive as usual he was running and jumping all around on the stage, infecting everybody with his joy and energy. The guys were having a blast, so were we. Everybody sang along and it felt like a “living room concert”, so familiar was it. Not only because there are always the same people at Hardcore Superstar shows, but also because Hardcore Superstar themselves don’t act like rockstars but are totally down to earth. Hardcore Superstar played songs from all albums including the hit “We Don’t Celebrate Sundays” and many more.

I could go on endlessly, but that might bore you after a while, so let me sum it up: This show was just amazing, Hardcore Superstar is an amazing live band, a MUST-SEE for everyone that likes rock!!!

Here are some of the songs they played (in no order):
My Good Reputation
Last Forever
Dreamin’ In A Casket
Kick On The Upperclass
Sophisticated Ladies
Wild Boys
Sensitive To The Light
Medicate Me
We Don’t Celebrate Sundays

Ammotrack Official
Ammotrack MySpace
Hardcore Superstar Official
Hardcore Superstar MySpace