27 July 2024

03-05-2009 SIC

Venue: LVC Leiden (Netherlands)
By: Sabine van Gameren

SIC is a band from Faroe islands making thrash metal. They were on a support tour with Hatesphere but due to circumstances I was not able to stay longer after their set.

As I had listened the MySpace before I had to admit that I did not have the highest expectations at all. Then seeing that Hatesphere took 3 supports on the road and SIC would be the first one playing, did not set too much light either. As the band told me before in a yet to be published interview, their live act was more convenient than their recorded music so somehow I got in a good mood for seeing it, trusting the judgment of the most subjective source you can have: the band them self.
Thirty minutes to prove their selves is what they got in a slightly filled LVC. The band did seem to have some sound troubles in the start, with a microphone that did not work, but as soon as their vocalist got one working in hands there came some energy. So true, the band is quite energetic on the stage. Some melodic parts were in there like a slight touch of the Swedish melodic band, or maybe even more like the Danish band Raunchy. The stress of the band is on the guitars, which make the major hype in the music. SIC is a band that was nice to see here as support, but maybe need some more time for me to start liking it. Just a mediocre support act

Photo’s by: sabinevangameren.com

SIC MySpace