26 June 2024

Eyes Shut Tight – Secret Destroyer

Releasedate: 11-06-2010; Label: Danse Macabre
By: Nina Mende

The Hamburg based industrial rock formation Eyes Shut Tight was founded end of 2007 by singer Trashed Soul and guitarplayer Kris. In the meantime the band consists of five bandmembers and in June 2010 released their debut album “Secret Destroyer”. The band is influenced by the late 90s and bands like Marilyn Manson, Nine Inch Nails, Korn and Rammstein. Nevertheless Eyes Shut Tight found their own niche and authentically stand out of other bands of the kind.

The new debut album “Secret Destroyer” starts out with rough guitars and distorted sounds that push you through the album. A low voice guides you the way. Fast to speed rocking tunes, repetitive lyrics and a dark sound is what Eyes Shut Tight bring to you. All lyrics are in English and to be found in the booklet along with band pictures. The layout is quite dark and some of the pictures are a little bit creepy. The lyrics of each song are very deep and dark with a deeper sense and meaning, very metaphoric. “Secret Destroyer” is the new album by Eyes Shut Tight that holds some secrets in their 13 dark songs. Try to discover them all in midst of the dark spirit of Eyes Shut Tight.

01. Intro
02. Warmongerz
03. Puppet bitch
04. Ask yourself
05. G.O.D.
06. Apocalypse generation
07. Silent goodbye
08. Die – Komponisten
09. Intoxication
10. Secret destroyer
11. Childlike face
12. Holy 666
13. Mother darksome + divine

Eyes Shut Tight MySpace