20 September 2024

The Few Against Many – Sot

Releasedate: 18-09-2009; Label: Pulverised Records
By: Sabine van Gameren

The Death metal formation The Few Against Many is a built by ex-Scar Symmetry singer Christian Älvestam. The start of this band was in 2008 and “Sot” is their debut album.

Seeing the line-up in that made this album possible makes the record think of an all star collection rather than a new formation. With some of the finest names on the record there must be something good in it, is what you could say. At first listening you hear a bit hyperactive metal. Mainly because of the orchestral arrangements. Melodic elements make the album a bit playful in between. It’s not before the third song “Bränd Mark” that I get convinced of this album bringing me something that stays in mind. That song really pushed me over the line. Most songs are in Swedish. Vocals are dominant in the music, a trademark for the aggression in their sound. The fact that he keeps it raw is printing the mark on the music. For your instrumental pleasure there is plenty to discover as well. The guitars make a pleasant game for you. Christian himself is playing the guitar but the lead is taken by Patrik Gardberg that pulls of some awesome riffs. Blast beats are coming from Jani Stefanovic that really fill in the sound where needed. Bass is brought by Anders Edlund and backup vocals are contributed by Pär Johansson.

“Sot” is an album that brings you to higher levels with its vehemence and rage. Technical listeners will enjoy this album for sure and it surely needs more than one listen to hear it all.

Line up:
Christian Älvestam – Vocals, Guitars
Pär Johansson – Backing Vocals
Jani Stefanovic – Drums
Anders Edlund – Bass
Patrik Gardberg – Guitars

01. Hädanfärd
02. Bränd Mark
03. Blod
04. Skapelsens Sorti
05. Sot
06. Abider
07. Heresi
08. One With the Shadow

The Few Against Many MySpace