23 September 2024

04,05,06-10-2013 Trashfest

Location: Gloria, Helsinki (Finland)
By: Sabine van Gameren

Trashfest has started again. As always with a line up that stands for spectacular surprises. This year the presentation was in the hands of Chris(tel) of Lord of the Lost and Ben Christo.

The first band of the evening was Crystal Rain. The band has been playing at Trashfest before so they are not really strangers to the Trashfest audience. The band formed in 2007 but in the line up the band is playing now, we got to know them since 2010. The band has scheduled a release this autumn. Their set had perhaps a bit of a false start. The first couple of songs did not really run very smoothly and the guys seemed to have trouble getting into it. A bit of a desperate look into the audience follows in an attempt to get some encouragement from them, which partly worked as the band got slightly back on track after that. Perhaps not the best set they have played, but what is important to know is that actual songs have a concept that would definitely work. Perhaps a bit stage fright then? If that release comes off we can judge more.

Latexxx Teens we remember from playing the festival two years ago. The Italians had a mix of glitter, glam and metal and put up a whole party on stage. Seeing them here again may have bring you to the expectation of exactly the same, but the band seem to take it all a bit more serious this time. Perhaps their balance shifted a bit more to the heavier side and let the music do the talking a bit more. The band has had some lineup changes which positively added to this perhaps. At this show the band was having also the release party of their brand new album called “Cold Heart and Old Scars”, so you could really sense what kind of music the band will bring to you now.

After the set the Trashfamily showed some memorable moments when they performed the song “warriors” written for the battle against breast cancer, which was the center of attention at this year’s Trashfest.

Plagued by a last-minute cancellation, there was a free spot that New Generation Superstars was eager to fill. The band had already announced at the pre-party that they would play a different kind of set tonight to make sure their fans would get something different and of course they lived up to that. With a new album called “Rock N Roll or Die” in the pocket the guys have plenty of ammo available anyway. Of course the audience’s favorites were not left out but thios year’s surprise had nothing to do with smashing guitars, but with a more gently idea of presenting a cover Ramones’ “Hey ho” which inspired some other family artists to join them on stage.

Private Line was headlining this first day in Gloria. A tradition by now, the band has been there all the time. Whoever knows Private Line may have noticed that within the years the band has grown a lot. Their music and performances matured to overcome the teenage hype and would reach out to a large fan base of all ages. The band has all the skills in the house and have a wide taste in music themselves of which they quite obviously extract here and there. With a show that is always full of energy and entertainment the band is a guaranteed success at any party and they did not let us down today either. The guys are coming to Germany in November, so if you happen to see them advertised in your favorite local club it is advised to pay them a visit, you can hardly go wrong with them.

Day 2:

On day two of Trashfest we would see five bands perform and then a concluding all-star performance would follow, but the start of today was for Apollo’s Child. The band have played before at Trashfest but in a more acoustic setting and seeing them now as a full band was really something to look forward to. The band is fronted by Jaakko Turunen, but it is not always him who draws most attention. For the band has Daniele Panza as a guitarist and even though in his way of performing he seems rather timid, the way he plays makes you instantly realize he plays with his heart and soul into it, which makes it a pleasure to observe. In the start of the performance it seems also a bit hard for Jaakko to get it all going, the vocals seem to stay a bit soft in the mix which does not favor him. The whole set comes alive when Ben Christo joins the band on guitar for a couple of songs. The whole gets more energetic and everything falls into place. After that the band has found their space for sure. A show we were glad to have seen!

The American band Murder FM came over specially for Trashfest and so come people were anxiously awaiting them. From the music to be heard on their facebook page we would have expected a more softer version of what came to reality on the Gloria stage here. The band does not hold back much on their energy and while their music has always that industrial hints to them you could certainly feel their Metal hearts in there too. The most outstanding moment in the band’s performance is the song “We The Evil” which is their latest released single. The song is simply summarizing what the band is about, it has the catchiness that is within every song they present, but also the vehemence that gives it its body. And above all, seeing that song live is the perfect way of making up expectations for what the guys are up to if you have not seen them before.

Malice in Wonderland were last year’s comeback kids and now ready for another performance at Trashfest. Last year we got promised an album and frontman Chris Wicked repeated that promise this year as it has not really come out yet. Their performance has certainly grown, the band seems more of a unity than before and it is obviously that even though there is still a lot of chaos and random running around going on the guys have learn to be more modest in what they do, for less is more. Seems like a huge improvements, so compliments for the band for topping it this time. At the end of the set they give the fans that song that they got their fame from back in the days : “Lucifer’s Town” but it becomes more and more clear that they have overcome that and pointing their arrows towards a bit more heavier side of them.

State of Panic were newbees here tonight.Formerly known as ‘Peepshow’. the band immediately reminds me to the typical British formations like Glamour of the Kill and My Passion. The band has the album “No World Order” ready for the fans of which they focused during their show. Although the band plays a nice set, it must be said that it is hard to find something really unique on them. Not really one thing that makes you remember them for what they do. That is quite a shame as the band does have some skills in the house but perhaps just need to have something that makes them jump out a little more to show their own face and identity.

Lords of the Lost has a special relationship with Trashfest and the Trash family. Been there for quite some years and always come with some silly surprise; a lady gaga cover for example the guys have set themselves up with a reputation. Yet again the charismatic Chris does not really have a hard time to impress the audience, but the hearts were open for them already anyway. That does not make the band lazy in their show as they retain to do as they are known for. The moment where three people are banging the drums, Chris included, is one of those moments you can see that they try to bring something extra to the fans. Yet it is not as deep and impressive as a band like Feindflug could do, but brought in a typical Lord of the Lost way. Concluding their show, the guys show their support to the cause and drop their pants to leave the audience with the sight of their pink boxers.

The all star performances are always a celebration in which basically everyone ends up stage. This year we saw another line of covers passing by, for example WASP’s “Wild Child” which was fronted by Jaakko Turunen. A special closing of the day.

Acoustic afterparty:
As a final surprise this year’s edition of Trashfest came with something new. An acoustic afterparty in which the artist would all be seen in a bit different setting than you are used to from them.
At first we must make our compliments to the venue Gloria as they have truly created a special setting here. A living room atmosphere with couches and a wonderful lighted scene on which the guys could play. Malice in Wonderland was one of the artists that stood out a lot at this acoustic show. As we have been critical on their chaotic performances in the past it was clear that when singer Chris is forced into a seat with just the basics to make an impression, you can see the strengths of him coming forward very much. The vocals as well as the guitars are now the main focus and the theatre is left at home this time. This is how we like to see it, the music does the talking and when that is upfront Malice in Wonderland stands out much more than expected. Well done!

Apollo’s Child back in acoustic setting was also a nice and surprising sight, once again seeing Daniele playing very passionated makes you realize that he is a really great guitarist.
Seeing Murder FM scheduled for acoustic was an interesting one considering their show of the day before, but the guys did not disappoint at all. A great couple of songs were played including a cover of The Cure’s “Burn”.

Perhaps we were most looking forward to the set of Jaani Peuhu. The singer of Iconcrash came to play some songs while he was not seen before at the festival this year. Songs of his upcoming solo album, but also Iconcrash’ “Everlasting” and Snow Patrol’s “Chasing Cars” passed by. A truly nice set.

Thanks to our little mole at day 1 and the photo’s of day one are by Klaudia Weber of Stalker Magazine.

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