21 September 2024
Forhist album cover

Forhist – Forhist

Label: Debemur Morti Productions
Releasedate: 26-02-2021

Forhist is a project of Vindsval, known from Blut Aus Nord. The music is described as “purely a raw, intimate and poetic Black Metal”. The self titled album is releasing on February 26th of this year.

As Blut Aus Nord is one of those bands of which the releases I always enjoy, looking into this album is not to debate about. Having some 90’s Norwegian Black Metal inspiration at the basis there is a raw edge to this music that is intriguing. Especially since the melodics are still driving it. A certain modernization to is there and it is good to see that regardless of the basis there is a lost of Forhist in it too. Sets itself apart from others with a clear identity of its own.

Atmospherically Vindsval is taking you through the tracklist. The first track starting with some sounds of nature, a piece of serenity but getting a bit dreamier later on. In the next track the music progressively becomes a bit more aggressive. Halfway, in song “IV” the whole slows with a bit of a break, the track divides the album.
Standing out is the seventh track of this release. Its melancholy is a bit subtle there and when the melodics are sneaking in a bit more prominent the whole comes together quite well. The track straight after that, the album closer, continues on that path and concludes the whole album.

Summarizing, the album has all these 90’s parts but with a melodic way of bringing it. Well thought, but never too polished. A perfectly balanced album. Forhist has given us a release that you can enjoy long time. It has much details therefore you’ll spend some time replaying it. Worth your money!


Track list:

  1. I
  2. II
  3. III
  4. IV
  5. V
  6. VI
  7. VII
  8. VIII

