26 June 2024
Gnaw Their Tongues

Gnaw Their Tongues – I speak the truth, yet with every word uttered, thousands die

Label: Consouling Sounds
Releasedate: 03-04-2020

Mories is an artist we know from several projects. Aderlating, Cloak of Altering, De Magia Veterum are some of them and this time it is Gnaw Their Tongues that is releasing an album. It’s name is “I speak the truth, yet with every word uttered, thousands die”. It is available now.

Gnaw Their Tongues releases are always pleasing me well, I reviewed about 6 releases, splits and albums, with this name and many more of other projects by the hands of Mories. Why this kind of releases keep captivate me is something that is based on the feelings the music is giving me. With this new album it is again that power that reigns and specifically how you are not ‘taken by the hand’ through it, but more by that chain on your neck, lurking you forward while showing no mercy for your misfortune. Even while you are dragging over the floor, overwhelmed by the impressions the sounds of discomfort haunt you and whip you: Forward!

Where tracks as “Purity Coffins” are seemingly quite serene, it fades you into the furious “White Void Black Wounds” which is nothing less than your worst nightmare. However, when you want to experience a true hell, “Abortion Hymn” will put you right there. Having that on headphones will serve you with the images of it happening, you live into it. If you think you heard Gnaw Their Tongues before, Mories shows you that he can take it even further.

Mission succeeded, another album that left its mark. Not made for the weak!

Gnaw Their Tongues
  1. I Speak the Truth, Yet with Every Word Uttered, Thousands Die
  2. Purity Coffins
  3. White Void Black Wounds
  4. To Rival Death in Beauty
  5. Here Is No Corruption
  6. Abortion Hymn
  7. A Sombre Gesture in the Faint Light of Dusk
  8. Shall Be No More

