5 May 2024

Oceansize – Self Preserved While The Bodies Float Up

Releasedate: 06-09-2010; Label: Superball Music
By: Sabine van Gameren

Oceansize is a British formation that started in 1998. Currently the band is touring with their fourth album “Self Preserved While The Bodies Float Up”

First impression: chaos. Disorder. And that for an ordinary rockband? Well, Oceansize isn’t that ordinary. Here and there, some post rock influences, some metal but do not count out that indie either. Overall the music is not too fast, in some parts a doom band on Red Bull would beat them out of the race, but rather intense. When you make it to the fourth song on the album “Oscar Acceptance Speech”, which is with almost 9 minutes the longest one of the album. You get into some point of rest. The song knows the same chaos as before, but towards the end gives you some time to breathe with just a calm part. After that the album seems less hard to get. Accessibility has been rising and then the band shows an Oceansize that gets inspired to reach that audience that stands next to mainstream, but is not too deep underground. Fans of Mew could meet the ideology of this band and find themselves happy with this album. For harder rockers the album is perhaps too slow, but Oceansize did a good job by balancing their album well between that chaotic and commercial side.

Line Up:
Mike Vennart – Guitar, Vocals
Steve Durose – Guitar, Backing-vocals
Richard A Ingram “Gambler” – Guitaar, keyboard
Steve Hodson – Bass, keyboard
Mark Heron – Drums

01. Part Cardiac
02. SuperImposer
03. Build Us A Rocket Then…
04. Oscar Acceptance Speech
05. Ransoms
06. A Penny’s Weight
07. Silent / Transparent
08. It’s My Tail And I’ll Chase It If I Want To
09. Pine
10. SuperImposter

Oceansize MySpace