23 September 2024

Demiurg – Slakthus Gamleby

Releasedate: 30-07-2010; Label: Cyclone Empire
By: Sabine van Gameren

Demiurg is once again a project by Rogga Johansson. Together with the familiar Ed Warby, Dan Swanö, Johan Berglund this project is one that knows a familiar line up. Marjan Welman is included for the female vocals on “Slakthus Gamleby”.

Oldschool Death Metal not often comes with female vocals. Marjan Welman is doing some of them in this project, but it is not to say that brought something we desperately needed. It sounded a bit like the old work of the Finnish Soulgrind. Marjan is a good singer though. If it had to be someone, than she is the one to fill in this project. The lineup is quite an assurance for a good product and yet again they did not disappoint. Surprisingly there are some clean vocals to hear by Ed Warby, which were not the most expected. It is interesting to see that besides the mid tempo old school metal the guys took effort in bringing these refreshing elements into their sound. Halfway the album you get a song like “Cold Skin” which surely is a highlight, but do not count out the title song either.
“Slakthus Gamleby” is much recommended for Death Metal fans. This one you don’t want to have missing in your collection!

Line Up:
Rogga Johansson – Vocals, Guitar
Dan Swanö – Lead Guitar, Keyboards
Ed Warby – Drums, clean vocals
Johan Berglund – Bass
Marjan Welman – Vocals

01. Life Is A Coma
02. Death Grasp Oblivion
03. Travellers Of The Vortex
04. The Cold Hand Of Death
05. Cold Skin
06. From Laughter To Retching
07. Slakthus Gamleby
08. World Burial

Demiurg MySpace