25 September 2024

07-04 Thee Silver Mt. Zion

Venue: Circolo Degli Artisti, Rome (Italy)
By: Lara Cappelli

You might reference to the band that played in Rome tonight with many names: Thee Silver Mt. Zion, the most common one, A Silver Mt. Zion, Thee Silver Mountain Reveries, Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra and Tra-La-La- Band. However, they’re now on tour to promote their latest release, Kollapse Tradixionales.

The band came up on stage with an attitude far from rockstars’, actually trying to figure out how to solve a problem with the amps. But the significant aspect of the show was right the attitude the band adopted, especially singer/guitarist Efrim Menuck’s. He often asked the audience whether they had a question or a statement to make and it seemed they actually had a lot of both. At some point the concert turned to an actual interview about whatever the topic: from music and different influences, to politics, social networks as well as hair conditioners. Many enjoyed Efrim’s jokes, some didn’t that much as considered a waste of time which could have been spent playing. I appreciated them pretty much as they often offset the kind of dramatic atmosphere made by the sudden emotive climaxes of their music, which was played for over two hours. However, the band marvelled at the response they got, which soared more and more as the show went on. When playing, Thee Silver Mt. Zion grew to a real amalgam, where Efrim’s apparent awkward voice was balanced by violinists Jessica Moss and Sophia Trudeau’s sweeter ones. Their whole music is actually an entwining between all of band members’ voices and their atypical instruments, double bass and organ for example, which made the show colourful and definitely noteworthy.

Thee Silver Mt. Zion Official