29 September 2024

Catamenia – Cavalcade

Releasedate: 22-02-2010; Label: Massacre Records
By: Sabine van Gameren

Catamenia is back again with their next album. “Cavalcade” is out now.

Catamania had been known for having many line-up changes, but nevertheless the band always went steady and strong with their releases. There is a concept, themed by everything that inspires the Finnish people in general: Finland. Catamenia is about all what passes life and in Cavalcade the band did not make any exception. Comparing to what the band have done before, you can say the main difference with their previous album is the fact that it all comes a bit more professional. There was a lot of “vittu, perkele saatana” in their latest musical baby, but in “Cavalcade” they seemed to found other ways to bring their music to a highlight. Opening song “Bloodtrails” gets featured by Ville Laihiala who gives his vocals like he used to do in the older albums of his band Sentenced with the same sense of lyrical humor. Guitars in this album are as melodic as we are used to from these guys bringing it to higher level with a bit better production. So yes, maybe it is a bit slower, maybe the drums are more hidden, the vocals are more clean than ever before, but the essence of their music is still the same. And whatever the changes that came with this album are to the likes of the fans, the band made a step forward by the improvements. As Catamenia is still Catamenia I guess this one will be adopted by the fans anyway. I still feel the winter, the sarcastic drama and depression in their music.

Ari Nissilä – Harsh Vocals, Guitar
Kari Vähäkuopus – Clean Vocals, Guitar
Riku Hopeakoski – Lead Guitar
Toni Kansanoja – Bass, Low Grunts
Mikko Nevanlahti – Drums

01. Blood Trails
02. Cavalcade
03. The Path That Lies Behind Me
04. Silence
05. Quantity of Sadness
06. Post Mortem
07. The Vulture’s Feast
08. A Callous Mind
09. Reincarnation
10. Angry Again (Megadeth cover)
11. Farewell (Sentenced cover)(Bonus Track)

Catamenia MySpace