26 June 2024

The Grotesquery – Tales Of The Coffin Born

Releasedate: 22-01-2010; Label: Cyclone Empire
By: Sabine van Gameren

The Grotesquery is quite a young project, formed in 2009. The music they make is named Horror Death Metal and their release is called “Tales Of The Coffin Born”.

The name Rogga Johansson is one we often see. It is to say that the latest releases with his name in were quite moderate, but with The Grotesquery he puts something in your hands that is slightly different from what has been done before. The concept of the album is a horror story that could have been taken right from a movie. As I personally am not interested in movies at all I can’t tell if it actually is, but the story that comes with the album seems like that. Besides the story, which I will leave up for the curious minds of the listeners, there are vocals that just stand strong. Kam Lee (Massacre, Bone Gnawer) is the name behind them and they bring a great add to the atmosphere. It is not a voice that is creepy, as you might associate with horror, but a voice that tells the story in such a way that you feel like it happens right here, right now. The riff work reminds to the old school death metal style and actually there is a bit of Swedish as well as American influences in it.

Instrumental and vocal wise the album sticks together perfectly, the story is there and it is to say that I am very pleased with this album being in my collection now. Definitely a nice surprise that early in 2010.

Line Up:
Rogga Johansson – Guitar
Kam Lee – Vocals
J. Berglund – Bass
B. Helgetun – Drums

1. Coffin Birth
2. This Morbid Child
3. That Thing Which Lurks in the Shadows
4. Necromantic Ways
5. The Terrible Old Man
6. Sins of his Father
7. Spirits of The Dead
8. Nightmares Made Flesh
9. Sepulcher Macabre
10. Fall of the House of Grotesque

The Grotesquery MySpace