3 May 2024

26-09-2009 Edenbridge

Supports: Serenity & Sylver Myst; Venue: Bibelot, Dordrecht (The Netherlands)
By: Elvira Visser

This evening there were three bands playing, but they started quite early. Venue open at 19.00 while I was still eating. When I arrived at the venue Sylver Myst played one of there last songs on stage. I was not really bothered to watch them as I had seen them last year and I really did not liked them. I could have given them a change but that is even more hard when you only catch the last minutes of their set. There were a handfull people watching and cheering for them.

After a little changeover it got more crowded and they were getting ready for Serenity an Austrian band that was formed in 2001, as a melodic metal band with the right amount of progressive influences. After releasing a good album “Fallen Sanctuary” they had to deliver a good show tonight, at least that is were many people came for. The band did live up to those expectation. They played their tracks and without any time to breath they played one after another. The band has an own identity and that makes beside the great stage presence of their singer Georg Neuhauser. They played a varied set and ended with “Fairytales” one of their ballads. For me they were the better one this evening. I am not that much into female vocalist, they can sing perfectly but it is not my cup of tea.

So when Edenbridge entered the stage I wanted to listen more to the whole sound. Edenbridge started out in 1998 as a studio project from keyboard player Lanvall. Edenbridge is also a band from Austria. They, like many other female fronted metal bands, attract fans with the appearance from their vocalist Sabine Edelsbacher. She is the voice of the band and have to interact with the crowd the most. Although she is not bad, Georg was a lot better. The music was very loud and I was glad to have earplugs, but without them it was hard to hear Sabine as the other instruments were so loud. They played a good show and the atmosphere was nice, people around me were singing along and in the middle of their set the guys from Serenity joined the stage as this was one of their last gigs on the tour. Both bands seem to have a lot of fun on stage and were standing at the merchandise table after the show, chatting with the fans.

More pictures of this gig available at photographicretentions.nl