Location: Astrant, Ede (Netherlands) Europe is slowly opening up and concerts start to happen again….
Location: Pumphuset, Borås (Sweden) Shows are slowly starting to happen over Europe and there is…
Location: Markthalle, Hamburg (DE)Featured bands: Visigoth, The Gates of Slumber, Mythic Sunship, Imha Tarikat, Sijjin,…
Location: Markthalle, Hamburg (DE)Featured bands: Joseph Tholl, Vemod, Argus, Nifelheim The doom descended upon Hamburg…
Co-headliners: Wolvennest, Dread SovereignSpecial guests: The Ruins of BeverastLocation: Ancienne Belgique, Brussels (BE)Text & Photos…
Location: Willemeen, Arnhem (Netherlands) In Arnhem we were attending Doc’s Blackfest III. The festival was…
Supports: Birds in Row, Kælan MiklaLocation: Pumpehuset, Copenhagen (DK) The legendary Alcest is back with…
Location: Lepakkomies, Helsinki (Finland) Sometimes the unexpected crosses your path. Ending up in Lepakkomies, Helsinki…