1 July 2024

03-03-2012 The Subways

Supports: Audiowaves; Venue: Izvestia Hall, Moscow (Russia)
By: Milla Smile

The event opened by the Moscow-located indie band Audiowaves. During the introducing of dozen songs the band caught the cold response from the audience. Even “Black Sabbath” cover didn’t make things better. Anyway it was nice try to act like a rock stars.

The Subways are a British three-piece indie rockers. Since 2005 they released three albums, the last one out in the end of 2011. The band usually have been heard in the movies and commercials but it’s different statement to see them onstage.

Killer opening track “Oh yeah” burst audience with applauses and screaming. The atmosphere of the event mentioned garage is back. The blue-haired singer Billy Lunn and blondie bass-player Charlotte Cooper jumped like hell and screamed all the devils out. From track to track everything’s gone crazier. And there was no chance to cool everyone’s ardour. I even keep my mouth shut about introducing of the most known track “Rock & Roll Queen” what was half singing by the audience and half singing by the band in Russian. It was a huge surprise of Russian speaking. During performance the front man was communicating with audience in Russian and was eager to know how his pronouncing. A few words about responding of audience. That was wild crowd. Slamming like hell. And it seemed nobody’s hurt. The track “With you” was presented to the crowd for crazy being. During the last track “It’s a party” the craziness reached to its max. The singer ran to the second floor and divied into crowd. Oh yeah!

The Subways Official