21 September 2024

Eternal Breath – World of Chaos

Label: Sliptrick Records

Belgian Heavy Metal formation Eternal Breath has been founded in 1996. The band released a couple of demo’s during the years and in 2016 a first full length saw light. Earlier this year the band came with a second full length album called “World of Chaos” which is out now.

The album shows right away that they are up for quite some speed, a no-nonsense approach, getting straight to what they want to bring. The band does not always sound like the many others that are out there, partly because of the use of vocals, which is tending to a Speed Metal. Also the band is giving us some instrumentally interesting moments. Riffs that are certainly drawing your attention, the band does not stick with clichés and seem to make more of a blend between back then and now. Gives them their own face, which is very welcome.

Most remarkable songs on the album are their single “Need for Speed” and “Power And Glory”. The last one mainly because it is catchy and easy to sing along to. We can imagine that to be a great crowdpleaser in any live situation.

“World of Chaos” is a fine release of Eternal Breath, a band which seeks their own path. An interesting release that makes you curious to how this band works in a live situation.

Line up:

  • Andy Polfliet – Vocals
  • Marino Decaluwe – Guitars
  • Robin V – Guitars
  • Kenney Geerts – Drums
  • Aaron Soen – Bass
Eternal Breath
  1. My Redemption
  2. Never Surrender
  3. Need For Speed
  4. Fire
  5. Fight For Metal
  6. Follow Your Dream
  7. Power And Glory
  8. Hard Life
  9. The Greatest Loss
  10. Revenge
  11. Y.P.M.O.