25 September 2024

UnSun – Clinic of Dolls

Releasedate: 11-10-2010; Label: Mystic Production
By: Sabine van Gameren

The Polish Gothic Metal band UnSun has been formed in 2006. It is a project of Mauser (ex-Vader) and his wife Aya who contributes vocals to this music. “Clinic of Dolls” is their second full length album.

From the very first start you get a clean produced album where poppy metal vocals dominate with a melodic backing. Although this voice sets a very recognizable memory, the total UnSun experience lies between originality and familiarity. You get what you expect but with enough variation to listen to these ten songs without getting bored of it. Catchy refrains are never getting too poppy while Aya gets close to that border. She is one of these femmes on front that actually can sing and knows to stay away from ranges she can’t hit, very aware of her own capabilities and making use of what she can do best. Definitely and advance on all these bands out there. Sure, some pronunciation issues here and there but not too much of problem. For the instrumental part you have to listen some more carefully as there is hardly any place for them to display without having the dominant voice of Aya over it, but it seems like a solid part. It’s all quite up in speed bringing much melody and fits the song very well. Maybe it leaves a bit to wonder that there could have been more coming out of these artists, but UnSun just may not be the right project to showcase this.

“Clinic of Dolls” listens easily, a repeat button is made for a reason and UnSun speaks to that. One that you keep listening, as if it would only be for the fact that it goes so fast, you have to check if you didn’t miss out for something.

Line Up:
Aya (Anna Stefanowicz) – Vocals
Mauser (Maurycy Stefanowicz) – Guitars

01. The Lost Way
02. Clinic for Dolls
03. Time
04. Mockers
05. Not Enough
06. The Last Tear
07. Home
08. I Ceased
09. A Single Touch
10. Why

UnSun MySpace