26 June 2024

17-06-2010 KMFDM

Venue: Rind, Rüsselsheim (Germany)
By: Nina Mende

Tonight KMFDM was rocking the Rind in Rüsselsheim.

KMFDM is an industrial metal band led by founding member Sascha Konietzko, who started the group as a performance art project. There have been a number of line-up changes over the years, including a temporary disbandment from 1999–2002, with Konietzko being the only constant. Since their founding in 1984, they have released sixteen studio albums. They had sold approximately 2 million records in the United States alone as of September 2003, with multiple albums selling more than 100,000 copies and a number of singles becoming club hits.

Without an opening act and at 8:30 pm sharp KMFDM entered the stage and rocked right away, no time and no need to warm up. The venue was quite crowded for a Thursday night. Most people wore KMFDM merchandise. Everyone was cheering out loud for the band at all times and everybody was dancing and singing along to the industrial metal tunes of KMFDM. The band was performing with a lot of energy from the first second until the very last. They played songs from all albums. Throughout almost the entire show there was a moshpit going in the audience. It was amazing to watch Lucia dance and perform on stage and listen to her sing with a strong voice. Everybody in the venue was blown away by her, but not only. Sascha talked a little to the fans in between the shows, so did Lucia. The entire show was totally amazing and breathtaking. KMFDM is such an amazing live band.

KMFDM Official