22 September 2024

The Endless Blockade/The Bastard Noise – The Red List

Releasedate: 2010; Label: 20 Buckspin
By: Sabine van Gameren

A split album with The Endless Blockade and The Bastard Noise, both American bands.

The first part of the album is owned by The Bastard Noise. The music they bring here can be only described as chaos. Not necessarily in the way you like it. Comprehensive structures, unlogical passages and a wall of noise. You have to be a tough one to get it. Can you handle it? Well, make sure you listen to it on a bright moment, when your head is up to it. The first time I heard it, wasn’t a good time for it. Took it again and the details in the music makes much more sense. The best way is to get into this ecstasy is to put it on volume and enjoy.
When going on to The Endless Blockade there is a tiny little bit of more accessibility to the music. Noise and some vocals are dominating here and they take the time for it. Three tracks, in which the last one is maybe a bit too long for what it brings but nevertheless this split is one to frown and wonder about. One for those who like refreshing and complex material that dares to turn the standards the back.

The Bastard Noise:
Movement Two
U.S.A. Today
Mutant World of Shame/Underworld

The Endless Blockade:
Advanced Directive (Noah Creshevsky)
Model 49 Rebreather (The Rita)

The Bastard Noise MySpace
The Endless Blockade Official