24 September 2024

Poisonblack – Of Rust and Bones

Releasedate: 22-03-2010; Label: Century Media
By: Elvira Visser

Poisonblack a band that comes from the dark and cold (in the winter) Oulu in Finland. After Sentenced vocalist Ville Laihiala joined the band the music had to finds its way to Ville and vise versa. With this album “Of Rust and Bones” they deliver a great album. This being the third album Poisonblack releases with Ville as their vocalist and clearly leaving his mark on the music. The mark he was known for in Sentenced as well. Greating dark melancholic rock in which you can feel misery and pain.

Ville is using his voice on this album in varied ways, to invite us all to take comfort in sorrow and drown it its depths. The band keeps exploring new sounds as they grow as persons and as a band. They do not have to stick to what they did years ago. With this album there are clearly blues sounds, piano sounds and guitar picks giving the tracks a complete different feel then those were you can hear Ville’s raw voice with a little dirty rock. Delivering an album that keeps you interest till the last track. There are three tracks from around the 8 minutes, they keep these tracks interesting and you do not loose interest. Front man Ville has some great guitar skills beside singing and the album has some very nice riffs and melodies. It is hard to pick some favourites on this album because almost every track has that little special. “Buried Alive” is one of those a bit rawer rock tracks while “Invisible” has blues influences and starts slowly full of that melancholic feeling. Another track where you can hear the blues influence is “Down the Drain”. A track where you can feel that dark melancholy and misery is “The Last Song”. This one has maybe the best potention to be the best track. It has it all, it is a bit catchy, it has missery and melancholy you can almost feel, but also great guitar riffs and a Hammond to Finish it.

01. My Sun Shines Black
02. Leech
03. My World
04. Buried Alive
05. Invisible
06. Casket Case
07. Down The Drain
08. Alone
09. The Last Song

Poisonblack MySpace