23 September 2024

26-02-2010 Cult of Luna

Venue: Tavastia, Helsinki (Finland)
By: Sabine van Gameren

The Swedish band Cult of Luna was about to play this evening in tavastia, Helsinki (Finland). The band had released an audiobook recently.

The Swedes had let their fans wait a bit longer than expected, which they got told by some people in the audience who asked in Swedish if the guys wanted to buy his watch. Nevertheless, the chaos started quickly and after just a couple minutes people seemed to be forgiving already and start enjoying the music. The package includes drums leading and driving on the string section where guitars and bass make the stage look small with the chaotic running around the stage as literal and figural you can take this. The band did not seemed like a team in the first place, giving each other evil eyes when bumping into each other but later on it all seem to become more friendly. A Swedish battle on stage that suits into the sort of music and brings confusion to people but then quickly changes into the attentionwhoring music because if you don’t focus on the music, you are horribly lost with the band. No catching up, stick with it from the beginning and adapt the core of it or better stay at home seems to be the attitude that the band sets.

Tavastia was pretty much filled with people who adjust their fullest attention to the guys and in the end the show turns into a highlight for those. The way there wasn’t straight but perhaps the satisfaction is even better when reaching it.

Cult of Luna Official