23 September 2024

08-12-2009 Swallow The Sun

Supports: Insomnium, Omnium Gatherum; Venue: De Kelder, Amersfoort (The Netherlands)
By: Sabine van Gameren

Back on the road, the same tour as we saw before in Rotterdam: Omnium Gatherum, Insomnium and Swallow the Sun. They have been in England in between and are now halfway their tour when Amersfoort gives stage to the Finns.

Omnium Gatherum was first. This band made a good impression compared to their “King of the World” attitude we had seen of them before. The seemed really motivated to play a good gig, but did not overdo it too much. The Finns are formed in 1996 and show their years of experience. Although the venue was not that filled yet, they managed to get some people enthusiastic for them. Especially on the bass there was a lot going on while bassist Toni Mäki enjoys to step forward and play.Compared to their show in Rotterdam, this one was just much better as it did not feel like they pushed the audience all the time. To what seems to be in the end of the evening: the “winners” of the day.

Insomnium started with an announcement that they caught a flu in England, but they would try their bests anyway. Nevertheless the show turned out quite well. On the vocal side it might be a bit hold back, but the enthusiasm of the rest of the band was there very well.
The guitarists were quite active on the stage and actually all of them seemed to enjoy their selves on the stage here in Amersfoort.

The band played the songs from their new album, which got welcomed well by the audience. It seems like quite some of them had the latest album in their collection and were familiar with the songs. Also some older songs out of their career started more than 10 years ago were played.
A well done set for Insomnium.

Swallow the Sun was the last band. Some people left after Insomnium, but still plenty were left to see Swallow the Sun. Their set was played modest and calm, with not too much activity on the stage, but the intensity came forth in the music instead. Keys got quite much in front this time and that the band succeeded in pleasing the audience was clearly hearable when the band left and the audience demanded an encore. The band had just played a couple of notes when the electricity shut off and the fire alarm went off. No one in the crowd felt like moving though, which would be bad if there was an actual fire. Luckily that was not the case. It was either the intense smoke that came from the stage and was taking peoples breath away or the band played that hot. Maybe someone in the crowd decided to smoke indoors, which isn’t allowed, but nevertheless the band played on from where they ended and finished their set with the most recognizable and most awaited song “Swallow”.

More pictures of this gig available at sabinevangameren.com

Omnium Gatherum MySpace
Omnium Gatherum Official
Insomnium MySpace
Insomnium Official
Swallow the Sun MySpace
Swallow the Sun Official