21 September 2024

Megasus – Megasus

Releasedate: 24-11-2009; Label: 20 Buck Spin
By: Sabine van Gameren

The American band Megasus releases their self-titled debut album via the 20 buck spin label. They are up for some serious heavy metal.

Interesting to tell is that this band features one of the creators of the famous games Guitar hero and Rockband. Therefore it makes sense they had easy access to feature some songs of them in these games and so they reached some fame already under the fanatic players of these games even before the album was released. “Megasus” features intense truculent riffing and is vocal wise quite varied. There are some ordinary heavy metal vocals as you hope to hear with the true classics in that genre, but in another song it might be more closer to a shout along type of vocals in which the melody strengthens it.
The band that formed in 2006 has a killer song made on this album with the song “Megasus” (if you don’t know a name anymore, name the song like your band AND your album!), which sticks in mind and pops out a bit as a sort of theme song to their sound. Hearing it once and you will recognize it in any live situation when being played.

Even though you can hear the band has been influenced by the big names in metal history like Black Sabbath, Sepultura and Slayer, they manage to give their own inferno rage to it, creating something new rather than attempting to bring more of what has been done before. Megasus has released their work on small scale mostly, so a true fan of the noise rock/heavy metal might start putting effort in finding this release.

1. Ten Kingdoms
2. Megasus
3. Swords
4. Hexes/Szaadek
5. Paladin vs Berserker
6. Red Lottery
7. Iron Mountain

Megasus MySpace
Megasus Official