21 September 2024

Big Boy – Ponygirl

Releasedate: 30-10-2009; Label: The Private Room
By: Nina Mende

Big Boy likes to extend his (slightly odd) views on Faith, Love, Hope; on dreams and his grand future. What he does not like is talking about his puzzling past, which has never been discussed in the open public before. This is the once in a lifetime chance to creep a little look into the secrets of this living phenomena. After reallocating to Los Angeles, the originally German band now released their second album “Ponygirl”.

Two years we had to wait for this album, but the cover has been revealed for quite a while already. So that was no surprise to anyone. Also known was the first half of the album, at least to people who have seen Big Boy live. They have been playing these songs for quite a while already as well. Only that I have to admit live they sound a lot better. Big Boy sticks to what the band has always been like: Different from everything else. Unfortunately different is not always good or successful. Of course to a musician all that should matter is enjoying what they are doing. This passion for music is something that I also haven’t found on this new release yet. It is always hard to press emotions on a CD, but I have heard it happening before, even on the last Big Boy album. Not on this one. Ponygirl is lacking of emotions, the vocals are not very fitting at all times, sometimes they even sound quite monotone or exaggerating. “You Said” is the piano ballad on this album and there is one German song on this album. I know the guys have been working on “Ponygirl” for quite a while. But taking the time they invested into this album into account, this is a very shallow collection of songs. Maybe I just haven’t found “it” yet. Find out for yourselves, maybe the one or the other will find the missing piece while listening to this album.

Terror Era
Ponygirl My Own Rules
Love Is Almost Perfect
Heroin Heroine
I Hate Myself
You Said
Diese Welt
Love Is Amost Perfect Club – Remix (Bonus Track)

Big Boy MySpace