3 May 2024

12-10-2009 Friska Viljor

Venue: Paradiso, Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
By: Sabine van Gameren

Friska Viljor was playing in The Netherlands. Amsterdam was on today’s schedule and Paradiso gave stage to these Swedes.

Friska Viljor entered Tempelores Magazine on the Open Flair festival this year. Their alternative pop music brings people to dance and this evening the band was here to prove that once again. On a Monday evening there were quite some people in Paradiso. Not straight from the start but within the set of Friska Viljor it got quite filled.
Happy tunes shattered through the venue and within two songs there were people that started dancing. Various other might have been more shy to them, but eventually the band seem to make them comfortable while talking a bit to them in between the songs. It is to tell that even though the stage holds five men, Friska Viljor is actually a duo project from Daniel Johansson and Joakim Sveningsson. The most entertaining thing must be that the vocals they produce are high and laughable, ready for letting you leave the sad times behind. Instruments like the mandolin bring in that gypsy element and live up to the indie spirit. The band states also that the lyrics “no longer consists solely of broken hearts” but happiness is what will warm your hearts. Quite refreshing in these autumn days.
Towards the end of the set the band gets the audience more on their hands and they seemed to did a great job in warming up the audience for the headliner of the evening, Peter, Bjorn and John, which did not make it to Tempelores Magazine this time.

Photo’s by: sabinevangameren.com

Friska Viljor Official