21 September 2024

HellCircles – Stillness

Releasedate: 30-09-2009
By: Sabine van Gameren

HellCircles is a young power metal band from Italy. Formed late in 2008 and not even a year further they release an EP called “Stillness”

When making powermetal a band must be damn original before they will impress me as there are too many clones around in that genre. I have to say that HellCircles did better than I would expect. They EP seems very well arranged. The vocals have enough variation where many others can bore me within one song. So what is their secret? I would like to point out the drums which are quite prominent in the music. Also the moderate, well placed guitar riffs are worth mentioning. I like the fact that the band stayed back from the usual ego competition and make the band sound like a team rather than a collection of musicians that show of their solos as soon as they have the chance. A point of critic could be that the songs are a bit alike. Like they are built with the same formula. A bit of variation could do a miracle and to be honest, I am really curious how a more ballad like song would sound from their side. Vocalist Marco Parisi would surely catch some people’s hearts with that, but vocals from Fabio Pedraki (guitars, vocals) would suit this just as much.

To keep in mind that the band is not even together for one year and what they have recorded now I can say that HellCircles will be an act to keep an eye off.

Line Up:
Marco Parisi – Vocals & Guitar
Roberto Fornaroli – Guitar
Fabio Pedrali – Guitar & Vocals
Danilo Arisi – Bass
Davide Ravara – Drums

01. Stillness
02. Let Us Unite
03. The Damage Done
04. Turn Back Time
05. Rise Again

HellCircles MySpace