27 July 2024

16-10-2022 Radeloos///Ziedend, Xeno

Location: Irish Pub Home, Eibergen (The Netherlands)

In times like these where we are finally in a world that serves us gigs it becomes harder for bands to find a place to play. How nice it is to see some local initiatives being around. Today we were in Eibergen, a town in the Dutch area known as Achterhoek (where also Tempelores Headquarters are located). Two bands were scheduled to play, Radeloos///Ziedend and Xeno, of which the last one was replacing another who had to cancel due to illness.

First band on the stage today is called Radeloos///Ziedend. Some Black Metal, Crustpunk and a proper dose of anger are rolling over you when they start their set. As a formation they are not leaving much time to waste, powerful tunes are coming in. Passionate tones, with a fury performance that goes quickly beyond the stage, the bar and back on stage.

The mix of vehemence and a melodic touch here and there brings a certain beauty that gives good leverage to the performance. Currently the band is participating in the Dutch popronde tour, where they will play in several cities through the country, making it easy for people to discover them at no cost. A young formation destined for an international hookup. Catch your chance when you can.

The second band playing this evening is Xeno. The band plays Progressive Metal and they have a new release coming out next month. Good opportunity to see what they are about. They have an interesting way of building tension in their music, sometimes a bit too slow but it is vibrant enough to keep your attention with them. When they are at their heaviest is when they manage to convince me most, the power they can bring seems to give them a certain confidence that brings a good energy in the venue. Personally the cleaner vocals are not the part I enjoyed a lot. Not their strongest suit, but they have not incorporated it too often in their sound so it did not bother too much. After their set an encore was asked and given so the band surely had their audience there today.

A nice metal Sunday afternoon it was. Achterhoek s Metalfest organized this day and they have several events spread out through the year with a festival as a main event. Keep your eyes on their pages for more events.


Radeloos///Ziedend Facebook
Xeno Facebook
Achterhoeks Metalfest