26 June 2024
No Monster In God's Eyes

Porn – No Monsters In God’s Eyes, act III

Label: Echozone
Releasedate: 27-03-2020

“ No Monsters In God’s Eyes, act III” is the third album of the trilogy by the Industrial Rock band named Porn. The album was released this month.

The main character in this trilogy is called Mr. Strangler. If you have not heard the first two it may be a bit interesting to grasp the context of the album, so a quick catch-up is here for you.

Part one speaks about his desires and wishes. The thoughts in his head are not the brightest. In the second release a lot of these dark ideologies have been done. Humanity is suffering the brainfarts of Mr. Strangler. In part three, “No Monsters In God’s Eyes”, the story continues. Mr. Strangler has been given his punishment and this record shows some reflections on what happened in his life.

The pretty calm way this album is presented makes it somewhat easy to listen to. When you know the story, one can get a better feel of what the whole is about but musically the songs have their catchy-ness in any way. Listen for example to “Sky Outside” where the band has a somewhat dreamy sound. One could dance to it or let it sink in a bit deeper.

The previous albums were not an immediate stand-out for us, but “No Monsters In God’s Eyes” is more of an album that grasps our attention. However, having the final part in our hands, we can say it makes sense to listen to all three albums in a row. A complete story then is presented and although it will be a long ride to hear it all, it is worth your time. A good closure of Mr. Strangler’s story.

No Monster In God's Eyes
  1. Dead in every eyes
  2. High summer sun – Part 1
  3. A lovely day
  4. Low winter hope – Part 1
  5. In an endless dream
  6. Low winter hope – Part 2
  7. Sky outside
  8. High summer sun – Part 2
  9. Some happy moments
  10. God’s creatures
  11. Low winter hope – Part 3
  12. Among dark red roses
  13. Mr Strangler’s last words

