26 June 2024

10-02-2008 Rising Magma Festival

Date: 10-02-2008, venue: Exit, Rotterdam (Netherlands)
By: Sabine  van Gameren

Rising Magma is a stoner rock festival traveling to some places in the Netherlands. The initiative of this came from one of the participating bands: Tank 86. This evening they came to Exit, Rotterdam for the second edition of Rising Magma and they brought three other bands: De Staat, Viral and Shotgun Shiva.

Shotgun Shiva was the first band playing this evening.

The band is quite young, only one year old, but with their stoner rock they already hit some of the bigger stages in the country. They are the best band to start this evening, as turned out later, because they are easy to listen to, with an almost catchy sound.

They are likely to be quite calm on the stage though, which makes this band the ideal band to play as first.

Second band was Viral. They have a typical grunge sound in their music. This band exists longer, which is clearly visible in the stage act.

Singer “Rayvery Burn” comes on stage while smoking a cigarette and he doesn’t stop  smoking before the first song ends. I enjoyed watching their energetic live show.

The band is lucky that they are only with three so they have more space on the stage to rock. Very nice, a band you definitely should see if you have the chance!

Tank 86 is the band who organized the Rising Magma festival. The band just released their full length debut album “Behold”. Their music is completely instrumental. When seeing instrumental bands, there is always the question:

How long do you enjoy watching them without getting bored? In this case, the answer is simple: Not at all. When they left the stage after their set of 30 minutes I actually wanted to see more of their energetic rock. A quick look at their upcoming giglist teaches me that I will probably meet them again next month. A pleasurable thought!

De Staat is a band that brings back the old rock feeling. They are not like a nowadays rock band. One of the elements to create this is the use of cowbells and tambourine in their music, but also the vocals have a big part in this.

Though they did a nice show, the music is not really my style. Together with the fact that they play on a Sunday and I had to get my last bus home, I decided to leave them after 20 minutes.
Nothing wrong musically, but just not my taste.

Photo’s by: Sabinevangameren.com

  Shotgun Shiva Myspace
  Viral Myspace
  Tank 86 Myspace
  De Staat Myspace
  Rising Magma Myspace