20 September 2024

My Own Grave – Necrology

Releasedate: 18-09-2009; Label: Pulverised Records
By: Sabine van Gameren

The Swedish band My Own Grave makes Death metal. The band formed in 2001, but it was not until 2006 that their debut album got released. Anno 2009 we are facing “Necrology” their second full length.

“Necrology” is straight forward from the very first moment. The Death metal is the main core of this band. Thrash and Melodic elements may peek around the corner every once and a while though. Guitars raging like beasts smelling the scent of Suffocation. Vocalist Mikael Aronsson adds sharp edges on his growls giving them a bit of an extra dimension with that. The variation stands out compared with other bands in the genre and this gives them a little pro. The voice speaking over the music in for example “Carnal Revelations” pleases less. It is kind of distracting actually.

Whatever you want to say about the band, the production is effulgently elaborated. The band sticks to the traditional way of making that Death metal. Though, American influences are here just as much as the Swedish. Not too much fringe is added which results in a qualitative record, that does not stand forward for originality but is nevertheless a record that will be listened more than just a couple of times.

Line up:
Mikael Aronsson – Vocalen
Anders Härén – Gitaar
Stefan Kihlgren – Gitaar
Max Bergman – Basgitaar
John Henriksson – Drums

01. Awaiting Death
02. Necrology
03. Hail the Blind
04. None Shall See
05. Disciples of War
06. Cerecloth
07. Bloodline Broken
08. Exhumed to be Buried
09. Age of Torment
10. Carnal Revelations
11. Incineration

My Own Grave MySpace