29 September 2024

Proving Ground – 05-05-2009

Interview with: Paulo
By: Nina Mende

This is an interview that happened on myspace between me and Paulo, the mind Proving Ground.

According to your myspace page, you are about to release the third album. What will it sound like?
“It’s out right now actually. The 1st single was released on Friday the 13th of March.
It’s like an intense ride, with down tempo beats and then straight anger. It also has its retrospective chilling moments as well. I took a lot of time on this one, and approached it as if this is the last album I leave the world; I wanted it to be the best.
This is an album, not a cd with singles and fillers. The track listing I made as best to get the listener intrigued and create moods to flow perfectly.”

What were the first ones like?
“The ties that bind, was my debut (released 2007), and was very experimental and more so Electronic album.
I still have that obviously, but as a whole it was to not write any songs that sounded like they were formulated to fit on the radio. I was very self indulgent and still am. (haha)
The second one, Cataclysm (released 2008) was more industrial and had proper choruses. Not to sell out, just to make good songs that weren’t as out there.
However, with a song like a Piece of Flesh, the most bizarre track on the record, I still was pushing the envelope with techno and heavy screaming. No guitars on that track either. I think it surprised a lot of people.”

What were the influences?
“I listen to a hell of a lot of stuff, but my fav acts are, Nine Inch Nails, Radiohead, KMFDM, Depeche Mode, Mindless Self Indulgence, Tool, Chemical Brothers.
Like I said too many to name. Even the Beatles, Pearl Jam, Portishead, etc!”

How did the recording of all three go?
“Great. It was a very comfy process since I have my own home studio. I could take my time, not worry about hourly costs. Made for a great environment to record.”

Who mixed and produced it?
“I did, I do everything. With technology nowadays anyone can sound professional.
I invested good money to have a decent studio. I’m happy with the sound, and the albums sound great on high end stereo’s and even cheap headphones. So I think I reached my goals.
Ps. I hate mixing! ”

According to you band name it sounds more like a project, is it? Or does the name have another meaning?
“Project sounds like a temporary thing, I don’t like that word.
Proving Ground is definitely not a band. I tried that, but then I realized why I started this in the 1st place. It was to avoid problems, and egos. I wanted to write what I wanted, and to have it sound how I wanted it to sound. When you mix that in with live people, it will never sound as how you intended it to be.
So I just like to be alone. The only drag is that I can’t perform live, but if I find the right people, I wouldn’t mind trying it again.”

Where do you want to go with the band? Any goals or is the music more for the fun of it?
“1st and foremost, I always create music because I love it; it’s my passion and the only thing that matters in my life.
I would love to make it big time, sure why not? I don’t expect it, but I have fans all over the world that send me love. So to me I already have made it, even if it is in a smaller space.
I’m just happy to spread my music worldwide, this was impossible just 12 years ago. Thankfully to the internet this can be achieved.”

What is the music scene in Toronto like? Or in Canada in general?
“Well the music scene here, is ok. I think its like anywhere, there’s just a lot of the same shit. Nothing unique.
I’m just trying to make my mark here and worldwide to put Canada on the map (like Skinny Puppy did).”

Proving Ground MySpace