21 September 2024

02-04-2019 Dark Buddha Rising

Supports: Wayfarer
Location: DB’s, Utrecht (Netherlands)

Time for some Black Metal. On this Tuesday night it was the combination of Wayfarer and Dark Buddha Rising that brought people to Db’s, Utrecht.

Opening the evening was Wayfarer. The American formation has been founded in 2011 and last year they released their third full length album called “World’s Blood”.

The atmospheric sounds of these guys does not need long to lure in people. In only a few moments they captivate their audience. The songs they perform are composed in a way that you want to keep listening to it, somewhat easing in and out of them the transitions between different parts are always subtle. It makes it easy to get up into it. Performance wise the band is showing that as well. A bit modest but intense in their own way while playing these songs.

Most of a highlight was the riff they would bring towards the end of their set, when drums are joining for a duel. The two of them take a bit more spotlight and their you feel the whole come together. A nice set from the Americans, they have convinced a large part of their audience today.

The Finnish Dark Buddha Rising is a good match although there are some substantial differences. The Finns are more doom/psychedelic oriented. Although the majority of the audience seem to have come for these guys, they are taking a bit longer to reach their audience. But the theatrical front man of the band is confident and have the whole completely under control. His vocals are a bit behind in the sound, only towards the end of the set they come a bit more to the front.

The spotlight of the night is on the band as a whole, their complete sound. On all fronts their performance is giving everything at its fullest and not ego moments for individuals. Interesting to see how consistent they are with that.

The songs they choose are somewhat more defined than Wayfarer had, they clearly work to one highlight and then suddenly drop you a bit, the high intensity that they bring it with serves its purpose and although it may take a slight bit longer before people are captivated with it, when they are onboard they want to see it all.

A new album is out there soon, the Finns have impressed their audience so it will probably be picked up well. It was an intense and well done show.


Wayfarer Facebook
Dark Buddha Rising Facebook