23 September 2024

Lunaffair – Lunaffair

Releasedate: 13-08-2010; Label: Timezone
By: Sabine van Gameren

The Electro/industrial project Lunaffair has their homebase in Austria. The group exists about two years and now released their self titled debut album.

This self titled album opens with the catchy song “Fever” of which the band had made a video as well. The song seems recognizable, as if you heard it before. Think of the Swedish Auto Auto for an idea of their style. This opening seems to be the right one as the tendency to start dancing comes up. The mid section of the album is taken it back a slight step in intensity but always remain strenghtful. The songs have the same vibe and fit perfectly in one line. For fans of this type of music it suits perfectly, but perhaps the ones who hang on the border might prefer a slight more variation.
A big pro in the experience of this music is the good production that keeps everything well balanced. None of the instruments come out as being too dominating and never yearn for its own characteristics. Vocals come out rather warm, leaving a finger to the numerous others who get into the opposite direction as if it is a trend to be followed. A nice little detail showing some of their attitude and own face, telling the world we don’t have to do with clone of the rest.
As the album comes to the end some of these songs remind me to what the band Sexydeath has been doing. A similar way of song approach seems to be used; the lyrics at first with minimal instrumental backing slightly building to the climax where everything comes together being braid together by catchy refrains.

Lunaffair have set a gorgeous album as their debut. Plenty potential for what lies ahead. Who knows when we see them on the European festivals next year.

Line Up:
Albin Ruffingshofer – Guitar
Jürgen Langenbacher – Vocals, Bass
Stephan Ifkovits – Drums
Albert Hacker – Synths

01. Fever
02. Separating Gents
03. Mind
04. Beautiful Show
05. Violence
06. Love
07. Already In My Arms
08. Game
09. Sailor’s Last Sigh

Lunaffair MySpace
Lunaffair Official