21 September 2024

Aetherius Obscuritas – Black Medicine

Releasedate: 27-10-2009; Label: Paragon Records
By: Sabine van Gameren

Aetherius Obscuritas is a band from Hungary formed in 2002. This started as an one-man-formation released four album before coming to the their latest release “Black Medicine”.

With formations existing out of just one member to take care of all instruments, there is always a point of hesitation in how all the instruments quality wise match, Aetherius Obscuritas is nowadays not a one man formation anymore as it is back upped by Zson as drummer in live situations, which brings substantial solid ground to earth. The drums on the album bring a certain atmosphere to the music that gives it a somehow melodic touch when combined with the rest of the instruments. They create a quite full sound that it makes it accessible for a varied black metal audience. Guitars are there, but there not really an outstanding element as they tend to be more behind than drums. Vocal wise there are influences to hear from the mentioned references like for example Ancient. Also, on this album there is a cover version to hear of Marduk’s “Black Demon”. Too mention is that Aetherius Obscuritas using their own language as well as English, (with translation of song titles in the booklet). It seems like there is well thought about the international approach this band might take.
They stand out in the way they made their sound melodic and yet stay obscure. Might be a good one for under your Christmas tree, if you can wait that long.

1. Legels? lélegzet / First Breath
2. The End (The Predicted Fall Version)
3. Black Medicine
4. Passed Out of Sight – Passed Out of Mind
5. Fagyos Ölelés / Freezing Embrace
6. Zord Mosoly / Grim Smile
7. The Black Tormentor of Satan
8. The Moon Shield
9. Circinus Nebulae
10. A Múlt Lábnyoma / In The Wake of a Remain Footprint
11. Black Demon (Marduk Cover)


Aetherius Obscuritas MySpace