21 September 2024

Liquid Graveyard – On Evil Days

Releasedate: 12-10-2009; Label: My Kingdom Music
By: Sabine van Gameren

Liquid Graveyard is a formation that has the countries UK and Spain behind their name. Hybrid Metal is used to describe their music what comes to a mix of Death and progressive metal. The recently released their album “On Evil Days”.

When hearing this album, there comes a bit of a Oh-god-not-another-one feeling in the first couple of songs. Let’s start with the pain in the ass straight away: The vocals. Far from original, far from pleasant and actually not really welcome in the music. I feel quite sad about this as the instrumental part was far more promising to start with. The Death metal approach in the music is more convenient to speak about. Rhythm has quite some space within the music. Combined with the melodic side in the music this makes the album instrumentally decent to listen to. Then again you get remember to the vocals. It is hard to get around these and I hope they could be allocated to a more safer place next time.

The album does have its potential, but it is just a pain in the ass that you can hardly hear it without getting disturbed by the lesser parts of the album.
Not much of an album you keep on listening.

Line Up:
Raquel Walker – Vocals
John Walker – Guitars
Adrian de Buitléar – Bass
Acaymo D – Drums

1. Rumours Are Black Like Machine Guns
2. Criministers
3. On Evil days
4. Them Greeds
5. Their Words Grow Thin
6. From The Tower
7. 1760
8. The Blood Inside
9. We Live Dangerously
10. Anthead Grotesque

Liquid Graveyard MySpace